Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Word Book

A special word book for Jane (but most people call her Jean which was my mum's name too)
I’ve been to a Zumba class tonight.  It’s great fun (even though I have two left feet), but I’m pretty pooped now.  Trying to get back into blogging, so here’s a quick one.

I made this word book for my mother in law just before Christmas.  The letters are from the Funky Hand 'Funky Daze' CD and printed on card, cut out and edges inked.  I layered them on some core’dinations card and added some dots and dashes and stickles.  Some do-crafts christmas ribbon and ribbon from my stash is the final touch.
It’s not seen in the picture, but inside there is a personal message that says we are going to see ‘Cats’ at the Edinburgh Playhouse at the end of February (because we all need something good to look forward to).  We’re off to see ‘Les Mis’ at the pictures later this week too.  Can’t wait, but I think we’ll need a box of tissues.

I was chuffed to see that the word book was still on display last week.

That’s all for now, back soon xx


  1. I'm not surprised the word book is still on display - it's beautiful and MIL obviously thinks so x

  2. What a great word book, Eleanor, I bet it will be appreciated and much loved. You should post this link onto the Funky Hand Inspiration blog site too - the other team members would love to see it, and so would all the blog visitors too here's the addy http://getfunkyandcraft.blogspot.co.uk/
