Thursday 18 October 2012

Batman to the Rescue

Every-one needs a superhero!

ripping papers is fun

Update: I made this card last year as a special request for my daughter to give to her boyfriend (now fiancé) after I had made something similar for her brother.  I took it as a great compliment that she trusted me to make a card for her.
Inspiration: Number one son was very in to graphic novels as a teenager (especially the Sandman series), so this sort of artwork had some level of respect in our house (the artwork in the Sandman books is amazing).  There is also something cool about the more retro comic artwork used here that can work for a lot of people. The kit came with lots of witty sentiments that just made you want to make something just so you could use them.
Products: D.C. Comics kit; A3 card used for bigger easel style card; mirri, textured and wood effect card from stash.
Techniques: Ripped papers and lots of glitter, mat and layering and funky angles to emphasis the comic style.
Extra bits (because where’s the fun in making your own cards without adding extra bits: One of the batman symbols hides a space for a hidden message; lightning bolts added in black pen free hand; a few brads.





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