Tuesday 2 October 2012

My First Blog

My name is Eleanor and this is my first attempt at blogging.  I have named my blog spot ‘Fantabulous Mayhem’ because of all the fantastic creative ideas I have bouncing about in my head (and my untidy craft area).  The purpose of this blog spot is to record and share some of those ideas.  I hope other people will enjoy them too.

I remember watching ‘Blue Peter’ as a little girl and the thrill of making some of the crafty projects.  My mum was a knitter and dressmaker and made calendars from old Christmas cards for the school where she worked (to mention just a few of her passions).  You could say that crafting is in my blood.  In fact there are quite a few people in my extended family who express their creativity in some way or other.

Anyway, like many before me I loved art and crafty stuff but left school and got a ‘proper job’.  I worked for an insurance company, started a family, trained as an accountant (it’s all about attention to detail and doing something practical).  Generally I concentrated on making a living and bringing up my family, but I never stopped loving creative stuff making time where I could.  Usually this would involve my children David and Leanne; hand knitted jumpers when they were small, fancy dress outfits, decorating their rooms when they were a bit older.  A few years ago I started making cards as a bit of a hobby and a stress buster and my passion for all things crafty just keeps growing.  There is never enough time for all the new techniques I want to try but I hope sharing some of my projects will help build my confidence to experiment further.

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